Friday, October 12, 2007

So, What's with all the TV lately? Part 2

I mentioned a few days ago that I was doing all this TV related stuff as practice and partly as an "audition" for something. That something is a new pro-blog that centers around TV, more specifically about gay people and TV. After submitting some writing samples and then MORE samples, and then interviewing on the phone I was offered a spot as one of the featured writers. Very exciting for me. Very, VERY exciting. I'm still kind of shocked that the offer was made. I like to write. I'm still getting the hang of it, but I enjoy it, and the fact that someone liked what I wrote enough to offer the opportunity to write for a really big audience AND (ultimately) get paid for it was just very, very, very cool.

It turns out however that my current employer (a huge multinational mega media corporation) frowns upon it's employees giving away or selling their "creative content" to other huge multinational mega media corporations competing to attract the same eyeballs. In fact, I recently learned that as an employee of said multinational mega media corporation my "creative content" is not my own. The output of my imagination is a company asset and as such is owned by the corporation.

Just an aside here... have I mentioned my theory that George Orwell was/is/will be a time traveler? He moves around in spacetime and notices social injustices, then in a time frame decades prior to those injustices occurring he publishes a novel to warn his future ancestors of the dangerous road they are travelling. Clearly to no avail, but he's trying. Anyway...

I'm bummed I can't do it of course, but those are the rules, and I intend to follow them.

I WOULD like to say though that my employer's decision NOT to let me participate in this outside venture had NOTHING to do with the gayness of it all. In fact that never came up even ONCE during my negotiations. All along this was treated as any other legitimate business decision, and in the end it was business and the threat of competition that caused them to deny my request.

Once the site is officially up and running I'll post a link to it. I think it's going to be neat. I plan on being a frequent commenter there. :)

12 of 12 pics posted tomorrow.


Unknown said...

I applaud, and appreciate, your ethics in this decision. I would have done the same.

My adventures said...

that's too bad... what a great opportunity that would have been... and fun too i bet...

Paul said...

I'm bummed for you. I guess I'll just have to eagerly anticipate your comments.