Sunday, June 17, 2007

Birthday Backfire

This weekend "P" turns 42! The celebrating began Friday night when he got his first present from me (more on that in a minute). Last night we had dinner with friends at Fratelli di Napoli (where it was strangely quiet for a Saturday night) and then drinks at Burkharts after that.

By the way, if you are ever in Atlanta... Burkharts is a pretty cool bar to hang out at. Awesome patio, no attitude, no particular clique (twink, leather, preppy, bear) is in control of the place... the crowd skews a little older probably, but not by much. Good mix of people. Get your drinks from the adorable Jeff who will probably be working the back bar.

We usually take a trip around this time of year for "P's" birthday. He has a thing for the American Presidents. We've been to Teddy Roosevelt's "Little White House" in Warm Springs, GA (fascinating by the way... what with his mistress and his wife and all). Three years ago we went to Little Rock, AK to see President Clinton's library. I have to admit, it was pretty neat, and it's done a lot to help revitalize this little patch of town down by the river. We really enjoyed it... plus on that trip we drove through Memphis (<--- click that to enter to win a trip there for yourself). Did the tour of Graceland and had a meal on Beale Street. Last year we drove up to Virginia to visit Thomas Jefferson's Monticello and then drove over to Colonial Williamsburg. Monticello was cool, Williamsburg was not what I expected. I did have fun at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg though... nice park.

That's us in Williamsburg... they had one of those hedge mazes out behind one of the fancier houses. I of course had to buy a souvenir three pointed hat. "P" was mortified. Funny that in a post all about "P" I still manage to get a shot of my ugly mug posted. I bet I think this song is about me. Anyway...

This year we are also taking a trip... but it will have very little Presidential historical value. One of "P's" presents this year is a plane ticket to come with me to visit my Mom in rural North Idaho. For a week. But that's not the present I'm worried about, we're all drinkers, it will be fine.

The OTHER gift is the one that may backfire on me. I got him an iPod Nano. He loves it! Thing is he wants to listen to podcasts mostly... I had no idea. He loves music and I just figured he'd burn all his CD's into iTunes and bepop along to all that music. But no. As soon as we had iTunes loaded onto his computer he immediately went to the podcast area. So far he's only really gotten into the NPR catalog, but he'll find other spoken word stuff. How could this backfire? I listen to a - lot - of - podcasts and I leave comments on those shows websites... This New Condo has even been mentioned on a few shows... in fact my REAL name was inadvertently mentioned on one. Is it possible that by giving "P" an iPod for his birthday I may have blown my cover?

Time will tell I guess.


Matt said...

Admit it ... you still wear that hat at times, don't you ...

Anonymous said...

I was "discovered" at work after I had mentioned something about blueberry pie and music and the internet... and later that day someone walked into my office and quoted something out of my (at the time) current blog post. My cover was really over... and that person has been one of my best friends since then.

Arthur Schenck said...

Your secret's safe with me, but I guess that whether your cover is blown will depend on what "P" listens to.

Sorted Lives said...

LOL at Matt's comment above. I hope you haven't blown your cover, but you may have to tell him someday.

Paul said...

Please tell me that you just borrowed the souvenir three pointed hat for the photo op.


CondoBlogger said...

Paul - No way! I BOUGHT that bad boy - AND - wore it proudly!

Matt said...

I'm having visions of pre-Revolutionary role-playing here ...
