Sunday, March 11, 2007

New Neighbor

It's a salad place. Should be open by the end of the month. A Salad place called Tossed. Maybe I'm depraved or have a ribald (read: juvenile) sense of humor, but it makes me snicker every time I see that sign.


Paul said...

Tossed? As in bed?

My adventures said...

tossed, as in lost your lunch?
mmmmm salad

Li'l Pony said...

It's always good to know where you can go for someone to toss your salad.

Matt said...

"Tossed Salad" as a euphemism for a sexual act? :)

CondoBlogger said...

I guess it is one of those "either you know it or you don't" euphamisms...

Yes, "getting your salad tossed" is slang for a certain sexual act.

I think li'l pony knows it!

Anonymous said...

Oh no...
With that image in my head, I don't think I could eat there. I get the same feeling when someone says, "Kumquat".

Sorted Lives said...

your post made me giggle. Hope you are well!

Anonymous said...

CB - Hold your tongue! ; -)

Maddog said...

Someone needs to get his mind out of the gutter. But it does make me giggle.

Paul said...

OK, CB. I need some help here. If you don't want to share with the whole class, send me an email.

I'll toss your salad. (What did I just agree to?)

CondoBlogger said...

Paul... more than you may have bargained for!

Email on the way.

Joe Masse said...

I'm not sure where my salad is located, let alone how to get it properly tossed. :o/

BU said...

Thanks for being a Wonderful Kroger Shopper!