Monday, August 20, 2007

I produced!

My first ever nationally televised production aired today.

I've been TECHNICALLY "producing" now for about two months... but that part of my job is just taking someone else's production and cutting it up to fit my needs.

Today however something that I conceived, pitched to execs, wrote and oversaw a control room for was seen nationwide (potentially in Japan and parts of Latin America too). Words I wrote were put on the teleprompter and spoken out loud by an anchorperson. A fonter had to put up the banner I wrote, an audio guy tracked the anchor's mic and the music, the floor director had to position a monitor behind the anchor... it was the real deal. We shot it last week, and it made it's debut today.

...all 5 seconds of it... at 4am eastern!


Maddog said...

Congratulations. That's wonderful. Was it really only 5 seconds though or are you just being humble?

CondoBlogger said...

Yup... really only 5 seconds. But it will replay every 4am Monday - Friday and those seconds will add up! :)

Matt said...

Congratulations CB!!!! It doesn't matter if it's only 5 seconds or on at 4 am. The fact is that you've done it!!! Good for you.

Mike said...

Dammit, man. Tell me what channel and I'll get up an hour earlier.

Anonymous said...

Can you get an Emmy for that? How do we nominate you?

Paul said...

Better than the show is the enthusiasm you've got "owning" it.

Good job.

Should I set my TiVO?

Joe Masse said...

We knew you were a mogul... it was just a matter of time.

Anonymous said...

What type of segment was it?

Sorted Lives said...

That is wonderful. I am sure you were on cloud nine.

Jef said...

Congratulations! So if you repeat it 180 times, you'll achieve your 15-minutes of fame.

We need to get an Atlanta blogger gathering together this fall.

Li'l Pony said...

That's awesome -- congratulations!